Dogs Trust


Ireland’s dogs need a champion at the heart of government

Ireland remains in the grip of a dog crisis, with 2,800 surrender requests coming in to Dogs Trust in 2024 – and counting.
Ireland's dogs are in need of someone at the heart of government whose job it is to care for them as much as you do. Will you sign our petition and help ensure this happens? 

Right now, responsibility for dog welfare is spread across multiple government departments. This fragmented approach means that dogs are suffering – and the root causes go unaddressed.
That’s why we’re calling on the new government to appoint a Junior Minister for Animal Welfare & Control. 

What a Junior Minister could do for dogs

Help end cruel breeding


Enable full traceability of dogs at every life stage


Keep families together through practical support


Improve safety in communities


This would be the Greatest Gift Ireland’s dogs could receive – and we need your support to help make it happen. Together, we can transform the lives of dogs for generations to come, ensuring they are safe, loved and protected.
If you love dogs, sign our petition to give Ireland’s dogs the Greatest Gift – someone at the heart of government whose job it is to care for dogs as much as you do.

Registered Charity Number 20057978
Dogs Trust Ireland, company limited by Guarantee. Registered in Dublin, Ireland under company no. 396919. Reg Office: Ashbourne Road, Finglas, Dublin 11.